Grennald: "Speak you whipper [snapper] Cat got your tongue?"
Grennald: "Where are your manners you whipper-snapper? Ain't you been taught to respect your elders?"
Grennald: "I be Grennald. You ain't got no name I guess. What are you doing here?"
John: "...I...uh..."
John: "...I...uh...I am John...Who are you?"
Grennald: "I told you! What are you doing here?"
John: " am on...a you live here?"
Grennald: "Of course I do! Who cares? (who are you to care?) Get out of here!"
John: "...What?..."
Grennald: "We don't want your kind here."
King of the Faeries: "Who is you?"
John: "I'm John."
King of the Faeries: "You is human."
John: ""
King of the Faeries: "I've always been taught humans only in stories and such."
John: "Oh really"
King of the Faeries: "What are you doing here?"
John: "Just passing through actually"
King of the Faeries: "Well get on with you then. Listen, I apologize [for] them [that] bother you, of them around me."
John: "Who are you?"
King of the Faeries: "I is be the King of the Faeries. That's who I is be."
John: "Oh really"
King of the Faeries: "Listen, I'll make you an offer. You leave now, fast like, and sometime in the future [when] you need help you yell 'Rickchickchick' and if any of my people is in earshot we'll come and help you out of it."
John: "Oh really, that's very kind of you. Thank you."
King of the Faeries: "Now people! Escort this gentleman off our property!"